July 19, 2013

Cock Flavoured Seasoning, literally.

I was spending some time wallowing in my post-gig depression (because Muse were, as usual, amazing). Yes, Berlin was the thing I was looking forward to all summer and now there is a gaping black hole until uni starts again. Hence, the post-Muse depression because I won't see them again until forever. I'll miss the people and the band and the songs and the atmosphere and the queueing and the fighting for barrier - and I still need a plan regarding my summer, but I'm okay now.

Why, you ask me? Because a friend of mine linked me this. Yes, that's right. It is 'cock flavoured seasoning' with a product review written by George Takei. In his words, other cock flavoured products still didn't quite "rise to the occasion," but the availability of this product meant that Takei's "search for great cock was finally over!" Other reviewers also shoot a load of reasons as to why this product is amazing. You should read them, really.

I am okay with my life, with this world. Everything is fine and nothing hurts if only I can live in a world in which we can buy "Cock Flavoured Seasoning" online, on amazon. All I need in my life now are glittery all-stars, but sadly, they're out of stock.